Kentucky Secretary of State Approves Green Party Presidential Petition

The Kentucky Secretary of State has determined that Jill Stein’s presidential petition is valid. The office won’t check the De La Fuente and McMullin petitions until they are submitted, of course. The petition deadline in Kentucky is Friday, September 9.


Kentucky Secretary of State Approves Green Party Presidential Petition — 9 Comments

  1. I’m so happy that the hard work of my friends and me (but mostly my friends) paid off. Now to get 2% of the vote.

  2. Thank you Kris Smoot and thank you to your friends too. I was worried about Kentucky after receiving all of the e-mails from Jill’s campaign, but you pulled through, just like we did here in Illinois a few months ago (I got 130 signatures for IL). As for the 2%, I think Jill has a decent chance of pulling that off this year, but it’s going to take quite a bit of grassroots campaigning to make sure.

  3. Thanks to all involved! I still remember the effort it took to get on the Michigan ballot; glad we haven’t had to go through that again. (It’s easier now to *stay* on here — once you *get* on.)

    That’s 42 ballots for 470 Electoral College votes, IIRC. ND, RI, and WY to go — three more for 10 EC votes in all. 45 ballots would top Nader/LaDuke 2000 by one; 480 EC votes would be one short of Nader/LaDuke 2000 . . . but Stein/Baraka’s write-in eligibility in GA, IN, and NC give a theoretical shot at 42 more EC votes for a potential total of 48 states where people can vote for her — and earn her up to 522 EC votes, tying and surpassing Nader/LaDuke respectively. (And that’s presuming no good news from the courts in either NV or OK, though I guess the chances there are slim and late and they’ll probably wind up as no-chance states along with SD. But if someone has news, please share it!)

  4. All the ballot access coordinators, and the signators are to be congratulated for participating in a true democratic demonstration of grass roots organizing and participation. From the wealthyist person in Fayette County horse country mansions, or the Ivory Towers of Bellarmine U and UK, to the server in the Wagonewheel CAFE in Prestonsburg, Floyd,County, and the Student at Perry High School in Hazard to the construction workers at UPIKE MEDICAL CENTER,we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It’s a wonderful start down an exciting, people powered adventure.

  5. I’m so glad the Green Party got on the ballot with Jill in KY. Wonderful news! Looks like RI and WY are the last two under consideration, plus the states being litigated. I’m surprised OK, with its recent frackquakes don’t want a Green on the ballot… But, we’ll see…

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