Libertarian Party Asks General Services Administration to Provide National Security Briefings to Gary Johnson and Bill Weld

On September 12, the Libertarian Party national chair, Nicholas Sarwark, asked the General Services Administration to provide national security briefings to Gary Johnson and Bill Weld. See the party’s letter here.


Libertarian Party Asks General Services Administration to Provide National Security Briefings to Gary Johnson and Bill Weld — 6 Comments

  1. The Michigan chapter of the LP won’t even give minutes of meetings to members, yet national expects to get security briefings? Something does not make sense here.

  2. How many ENEMY spies working on the nonstop changing staffs of the various Prez/VP candidates ???

    i.e. 100 percent LUNATIC to be giving ANY non-elected candidate any N.S. briefings.

    i.e. give such briefings to THE Prez/VP elects — about 6 Jan 2017 – when OFFICIAL 12th Amdt results are done —

    i.e. about 14 days for nonstop briefings about the various foreign usual suspect statist KILLER gangsters to worry about.

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