President George H. W. Bush Tells a Friend He Plans to Vote for Hillary Clinton

This Politico story says that former President George H. W. Bush told a friend that he intends to vote for Hillary Clinton. And the friend then told the media.


President George H. W. Bush Tells a Friend He Plans to Vote for Hillary Clinton — 8 Comments

  1. Honestly if the HRC camp could stop pushing stories of he said/she said that would be great. First it was the whole “Weld will drop out!” and then this.

  2. Frankly I don’t think anyone that was directly involved in the Hillary Clinton camp would want it to be known that George H.W. Bush was going to vote for her. It would tend to undermine their propaganda which claims that Hillary Clinton is the “lesser evil” and a progressive. But if they want to do us Greens a favor by doing so, I’m all for it. I’d love to see Jill get 5 or more percent of the vote. The latest CA poll has her at 6% there.

  3. Remember in the ’92 debate when Bush was looking at his watch as if, “What am I wasting my time here for since my Skull & Bones and Bilderburger buddies already have the fix in for my good friend Billy C.” So no surprise here.

  4. See the American Experience TV shows about recent Prezs.

    Bush I was one of the last of the old-time leftwing (liberal) Elephants.

    Thus no surprise he might want to vote for leftwing Clinton.

  5. Joshua – There have been 4 polls in California putting Jill Stein at 6% (June, July, and two in September.) She’s been at 6% or even 7% in a few polls in other states, but California is the only state where she is consistently at that level.

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