Number of Candidates on Ballot for U.S. House in 2016 is Little Changed from 2014

The number of choices printed on November ballots for U.S. House of Representatives in 2016 is very similar to the number of such candidates on the ballot in November 2014.

Democrats are on the ballot in 406 districts this year, and were on in 400 districts in November 2014.
Republicans are on in 394 this year, and were on in 395 in 2014.
Libertarians are on in 122 districts, both this year and in 2014.
Greens are on in 54 districts this year, and were on in 43 in 2014.
Constitution Party members are on in 15 districts this year, and 13 in 2014.
Reformers are on in 5 districts this year, and 4 in 2014.
Other parties are on in 17 districts this year and 33 districts in 2014.
There are 72 independent candidates in 2016, and there were 82 in 2014.

There are still a few unresolved disputes on ballot access for candidates for U.S. House, and the Texas data is incomplete for independents, so these figures could change slightly.

No candidate is counted twice. Some candidates are the nominees of more than a single party, but they are counted only for the party of which they are a member. For purposes of this compilation, Delegate from the District of Columbia is counted, so there are 436 seats.


Number of Candidates on Ballot for U.S. House in 2016 is Little Changed from 2014 — 14 Comments

  1. Hmm. Biggest-magnitude changes appear to be for Greens (up over 1/4), other parties (down almost 1/2), and independents (down 1/7).

    Are you going to be doing the same for seats in state legislatures, Richard?

  2. It will be in the October 1 2016 print Ballot Access News.

    I will do the same for state legislatures, and that will be in the November 1 issue. It will be state-by-state for both.

    Texas is very bureaucratic and says it will e-mail me the list of candidates in 2 weeks. Grr.

  3. The SOS has already sent out candidate lists to the 254 counties. There were no independent congressional candidates. Linda Thompson had not been listed, but after her petition was reviewed, she was added to the list for Bexar County. If there were similar independent congressional candidates, they might have been added.

    Did you get a list of declared independent congressional candidates from last December?

  4. More ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander OLIGARCHS coming in all sorts of gerrymander legislative bodies, Fed, State and Local — per usual since 1776 – 1788.

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 totally rigged packed/cracked gerrymander districts = 1/4 or less CONTROL.

    MUCH worse primary math.

    Result – the worse and worse POWERMADNESS about which robot party hacks becomes Prez/VP — to ignore the Congress and the States.

    Save Democracy
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  5. The Forefathers Party, running in the Kentucky Third District, consists of only the candidate, who told me he made the name up not knowing there was another group by that name.
    I wonder how many “other” parties also consist of one or two people.

    Kentucky Educational Television will not have a televised debate because they installed a $50,000 minimum raised requirement, which the Republican hadn’t met. In fact, of the four contested congressional districts, only one met their requirements.

  6. Thank you very much for telling me that, Jim.

    One can’t depend on the December 2015 list because who knows which of those individuals succeeded in petitioning.

    I am treating the Kentucky petitioning candidate with “Forefathers” as his label as an independent candidate.

  7. I checked the Texas congressional races again:

    34R, 28D, 24L, and 17G. 8 districts have a RDLG 4-way.

  8. For what it is worth, the Natural Law Party has doubled the number of candidates on the ballot, from one to two!

  9. ONLY about 20 marginal gerrymander USA Rep districts of 435 total NOW in the USA.

    The oligarchy gang that gets 418 oligarchs will claim ownership of the USA if not the world.

    The oligarchs in the USA Senate are much, much, much worse — due to their added POWER regarding treaties and HACK SCOTUS and other executive/judicial nominations.

    i.e. the 1787 USA Const is a LATE DARK AGE scheme from Hell — with about 10 FATAL defects — now becoming super obvious.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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