Jill Stein, Who Protested at the First Presidential Debate in Both 2012 and 2016, is Treated Somewhat Better This Year

Last year when Jill Stein tried to crash the first general election presidential debate, she was arrested and kept in handcuffs for eight hours. This time, according to this story, she was merely “escorted out.”


Jill Stein, Who Protested at the First Presidential Debate in Both 2012 and 2016, is Treated Somewhat Better This Year — 13 Comments

  1. I think part of the reason why she was treated better was because this time she had major corporate news media with her (MSNBC). They couldn’t very well rough her up like last time and risk MSNBC reporting them roughing her up to an even bigger audience than Democracy Now! in 2012. Jill’s done a good job at getting much more media coverage and visibility than last time.

  2. Which of the 2 major MONSTERS is the lesser of EVILS — trying in public to be *normal* ???

    Abolish the super time bomb electoral college.

    Uniform definition of Elector
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  3. “We were there under legitimate pretenses,” Meleiza Figueroa, Stein’s press director, told USA Today.

    Perhaps in 2012, she was there under illegitimate pretenses. That would make a difference.

  4. Clay “Deliberately getting arrested to make a political point is something I don’t support.”

    I only support it if you are trying to get arrested to show how the law is unjust (i.e. sit ins during the civil rights movement) but I agree not just for publicity’s sake

  5. My boy Gary Johnson should have been in the debates.Remember I eat live and breathe the Libertarian party.My choice and decision in life sine the 1980s when Ron Paul ran .

  6. I will not vote for the Green party unless they support workers rights issues such as 36 hour work week and abolishing overtime .Also doing away with third shift jobs which is economic slavery

  7. Jill Stein inserted herself into debate footage via livestream Periscope/Twitter and Facebook Live. The footage is hosted on YouTube as well.Facebook – over 1 million views; 4.3 million reached
    Twitter – 2.8 million impressions 9/26; 7.6 million impressions 9/27
    RT America (re-post of our livestream) – 100k views; 800k reached
    Periscope – 55k views) She did an expanded debate on Democracy Now the next morning. Gary Johnson was invited but declined. I hope her VP, Ajamu Baraka, does something similar for the debate in Virginia. At least one military veteran should have a chance to speak.

  8. Imagine what US mass media would be saying if a Russian presidential candidate was escorted out of a debate (with or without handcuffs).

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