Pennsylvania Minor Parties File Brief in Third Circuit, Arguing State Cannot Impose a County Distribution Requirement on Statewide Petitions

On September 26, the Constitution, Green, and Libertarian Parties filed their brief in the Third Circuit, arguing that a county distribution requirement for statewide petitions is unconstitutional. Constitution Party of Pennsylvania v Cortes, 16-3266.


Pennsylvania Minor Parties File Brief in Third Circuit, Arguing State Cannot Impose a County Distribution Requirement on Statewide Petitions — 6 Comments

  1. The distribution stuff was ruled by SCOTUS in 1969 to be UN-constitutional for obvious math reasons — a mere 47 years ago.

    Where are the Fed criminal indictments of the HACK morons in the States for violating USA civil and political CONSTITUTIONAL rights ???

    Where are the $$$ DAMAGES in civil actions to bankrupt such hack morons ???

  2. Wait Demo Rep… so now SCOTUS did something right? I thought SCOTUS was a bunch of hack morons too???

  3. The SCOTUS folks are hack morons regarding ballot access (since 1968) and lots of other subjects (since 1789).

    See for example the mere 96 years of having some sort of UNCONSTITUTIONAL Federal common law — see the 1938 Erie R.R. case.

    Generally by accident the hacks can write an opinion that has any common sense with SOME connection with Anglo-American constitutional law.

    Students should read Blackstone’s Commentaries – esp. vols 1, 3 and 4 to get an idea of where lots of the early State and USA constitutional law came from — BEFORE the robot party SCOTUS hacks wrote lots of PERVERSION opinions – esp. since 1936.

  4. Advanced students can try and decipher the Constitution Annotated containing short comments about many SCOTUS constitutional law opinions.

    The SCOTUS hacks especially LOVE to play PERVERSION games with the adjectives and adverbs in the nearly dead USA Const — DUE process, EQUAL protection, etc. etc.

    Basic result since 1936 — the States are nearly D-E-A-D.

    All sorts of tyrant powers in the gerrymander Congress and each Prez (via the gerrymander Electoral College) — i.e. nonstop potential for Civil WAR II and/or World WAR III.

  5. That was struck down in 1970 and the decision was affirmed by the US Supreme Court. Socialist Workers Party v Rockefeller. So New York switched to a mild congressional district distribution requirement in 1971. Congressional district distribution requirements to injure one person one vote because they are equal in population.

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