Poll of Sanders Delegates to Democratic Convention Says 33% will Vote for Jill Stein

This story says that Norman Solomon did a poll of the Sanders delegates to the July 2016 Democratic convention, and 33% of them plan to vote for Jill Stein. Only 37% say they will vote for Hillary Clinton.


Poll of Sanders Delegates to Democratic Convention Says 33% will Vote for Jill Stein — 6 Comments

  1. It’s interesting that Solomon trashes Johnson, but admits he’s popular among younger former delegates, but I did not see him give any numbers as far as support for Johnson among former Sanders delegates. Or did I miss that number?

  2. Will the HACK Clinton or Trump get even 35 percent of the popular votes ??? Stay tuned.

    Do their vote totals depend on PUTIN and his gangsters ???

    See the DHS report today about the electronic INVASION of the USA by Russian felons.

    Is the USELESS Obama ONLY concerned about getting Clinton elected by ALL means possible ??? Duh.

  3. Sander supporters who didn’t attend the convention should support the Socialist party Candidate.There are some issues I agree with him on .I support Labor issues.I am a conservative on fiscal issues though .A leftist on Social issues .A leftist on foreign policy .Want to see three day weekends to liberate the American workers .

  4. Which Socialist party candidate? There are several, on several different sets of ballots. If Gloria LaRiva and Alyson Kennedy had pooled their resources, then they’d have been on as many states as Evan McMullin (11) and eligible for more electoral votes (140) — even if they hadn’t won access in any other states than each succeeded at separately. And that’s not counting Mimi Soltysik or a few others. Heck, if socialists had pooled their efforts with the Greens, some or all of those last six states (GA, IN, NV, NC, OK, and SD) might have been put into play.

  5. Socialist party USA .The party that nominated Mimi Soltysik .How many other candidates were no.inated by the Socialist party USA

  6. I meant nominated by the Socialist party USA.The other two you mentioned were nominated by separate Socialist party’s that weren’t formed after a split in 1972 like the Original Socialist party which Norman Thomas ran for president on . Socialist party USA was formed after that split .Look at any reference book and look at articles about the Socialist party.The Green party should merge with other like minded party’s that are more moderate.

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