
Atlanta Progressive News Gives Details of Why Green Party Presidential Petition Failed in Georgia — 5 Comments

  1. Georgia and South Dakota are two states that I think we Greens could have gotten ballot access in if we had put in more of an effort. We were screwed out of ballot access in NV, and Indiana and NC are egregiously and unfairly difficult states even with the best of efforts. Still, we managed to outdo even Ralph Nader’s 2000 ballot access effort, and that speaks volumes about how far the Green party has come in terms of organizational capacity in the past couple of years. I think, had Clinton not sicced Correct the Record on us, Jill could have easily gotten 5% of the vote this year. There’s still a chance she could, but it’s not as likely as it appeared to be during the Summer.

  2. I think so too. Organizationally I thinks the GP has a long way to go. What was interesting was that introduction of legislation by a Republican that would do away with the petitioning requirement . Are the Republicans expecting a split and possibly a new party emerging?
    If so , doing away with these repressive election laws would be beneficial in the future.

  3. I read a long ago article about the petitioning in South Dakota for the Green Party. Apparently, the volunteers gave up two days prior to deadline, concluding that they never would achieve sufficient signatures for ballot access. This puzzled me, even with South Dakota’s strenuous requirements about who could sign, because Darrell Castle and Gary Johnson managed ballot access. And so did North Dakota, Montana, Utah, places like that.

  4. If Jill Stein was on the ballot .How many Liberal Democrats who aren’t to happy with Hillary would vote for her .Now it would be interesting how many people in Cobb County Georgia would vote for Jill Stein .Cobb County is a well to do county .

  5. Jill could get 5 percent in California or maybe more .It depends on the voters mood .Does any prophets go on this website .

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