Benton County, Oregon Initiative for Instant Runoff Voting for County Executive Offices Passes

The voters of Benton County, Oregon, have voted for a county initiative to use instant runoff voting for certain partisan county offices. The vote is 54.3% – 45.7%.


Benton County, Oregon Initiative for Instant Runoff Voting for County Executive Offices Passes — 3 Comments

  1. If this is RCV in single-winner districts (AKA IRV or instant runoff voting ), then this is bad news, because with a guaranteed threshold of 50% plus one vote, the top vote getter is usually the winner, cementing biggest party in power, year after year.

    IRV (usually single-winner districts) is winner-takes-all which prohibits random wins by those other than the largest faction, random wins by smaller factions under us-style plurality elections who can win due to the split-vote problem.

    Are you interested in pure proportional representation (PR)?

    The 10th USA Parliament has been using pure PR for more than 21 consecutive years and it works fine:

    Now there is the new International Parliament:


    Nobody has it as good as the United Coalition.

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