New Web Page “DirectElection.Org” Has Contact Information for Many Presidential Electors

Jeff Strabone, a New York voter, has set up the webpage It has the postal addresses of 260 candidates for presidential elector. It also has information about the history of the electoral college, and the history of attempts to abolish it. The purpose of the web page is to assist individuals who wish to write postal messages to candidates for presidential elector.


New Web Page “DirectElection.Org” Has Contact Information for Many Presidential Electors — 17 Comments

  1. Not the way we run a election for President by shooting emails or issuing threats to the electors.

  2. Why is there an assumption of threats being the purpose? I am communicating with electors, and none of my communications involve threats. They have indeed received rude messages and threats aplenty, but that’s the fault of those sending such communications, not of those who have facilitated civil communication and persuasion by interested members of the public such as myself and many others.

  3. Civil communications with HACKS went dead in 1861 at the start of Civil WAR I.

    How many of the Trump HACK Prez Electors will get jobs in the Trump regime ??? — as in all prior E.C. votes by the Hacks.

    Thus – the webpage is one more reason to ABOLISH the super time bomb Electoral College.

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  4. Now the Alex Jones fan can harass the electors and not be accountable for there actions.

  5. They should make Mike Pence President instead.Maybe he would be open on some issues like the marijuana issue.I don’t know.He is an establishment politician.I don’t care about my w2 form or none of that stuff.

  6. Donald Trump supporters want to take away my rights as a worker.I support more rights and privileges for workers.Flexible work hours and health and safety in the work place that protects us workers.

  7. I support the 36 hour work week and abolishing overtime and third shift jobs or I will drop out the job market so I can be privileged.

  8. I support the freedom of workers to work as many or as few hours as they agree to with their employer. I also support flexible hours for scheduling shifts.

  9. Workers should quit there job now to protest the man Trump wants to appoint secretary of Labor.I hope protest and riots will occur on invitation day.I believe in more privileges and rights for the non elites.We shouldn’t have to be slaved to employers.Now Trump is against workers protections.Maybe problems will occour.Less people should join the military.Send a message to Trump.I want to see an economic collapse.Like it or not .

  10. If you convince electors to violate their pledge, where does that leave the voters who chose to vote for the slate of Trump electors, instead of Green Party or Libertarian Party electors? They are disenfranchised, because there’s no other way for them to vote for their candidate of choice. So why should some elector think it’s a matter of voting his conscience? I know Hamilton appeared to say the EC is there to filter out inappropriate candidates. But if he really thought about it, 538 people—not elected, but appointed—could cancel the votes of 63 million people. I’m certain the founders did not intend for that to happen. They didn’t anticipate the opposing party massing this amount of pressure to cancel the voters’ choice.

    It doesn’t say anywhere in the Constitution or the law that the mission of the EC is to filter our candidates that have objectionable characteristics.

  11. The electoral college was created to avoid the election of popular demigogs. Hey if it was just a Republican it would be one thing. But trumps goal is to destroy the country. That is a completely different thing and the electors should exercise their option. I hate pence but at least he is somewhat sane.

  12. There’s a lot of dumb in these comments…. People who failed history class.

  13. I am writing to people to ask them to assist me in getting this to electors!! Starting: I am appealing to you in your capacity as a presidential elector. The responsibility that you bear Monday is not just potentially electing someone who did not win even close to the majority of the popular vote, but who is daily displaying signs of being a serious threat to our national stability and the world’s. We have never been at this crossroad.
    If I were in your position, a $1000 fine if I switched votes pales in comparison to the ominous looming danger of a Trump Presidency. The College was formed specially to ensure we do not elect a demagogic, unstable, dishonest, dangerous President. Please do not let this happen to our country. It is NOT A POLITICAL issue. But assume for a moment, it is. If you vote against the popular vote, the message is to our young voters is that your vote does not count because it doesn’t count, if over 2.5 million voters said otherwise.
    This is your charge: Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper 68 stated: “The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” Saying merely that Donald Trump continues to demonstrate that he lacks the requisite qualifications is the understatement of the century or let’s go back to the 18th century! We have never had such a potentially dangerous President. We all know it, regardless of trying to sugar coat it.
    I teach ethics to government officials. The is unprecedented to have someone without a moral compass in charge of the greatest country on earth. Think about his lying, his baiting of nuclear powers, his non-disclosure of his taxes, his callous talk and hatefulness towards vulnerable people and on so many fronts I could never list them all, his huge potential financial conflicts, his complete lack of knowledge of the Constitution and our government, and the wishes of his potential appointees to dismantle a government that they have no idea how it functions or why it does! This potential disaster is in your hands and it is your ethical and moral duty to stand up.
    I was once on a Party’s Presidential National Platform Committee and was the only representative of a candidate (going against his strong position) who stood up against an obviously reprehensible position of violence against unarmed protestors. What I learned from that is that we really are herd animals. In my position, I knew I was chosen because of my ability to think and reason and be just. This is why you are where you are as an elector. It is your time to do that. Otherwise, the resulting mess is not redeemable because there are so many issues that bear on our survival as a species, among other species, now that need a person (also imperfect) who is not notably dangerous, demagogic or willfully ignorant of our system of government.
    Let’s not inaugurate a president whose greed and instability destines him for impeachment and the world for catastrophe.
    I am grateful for your service as an elector. If you share my fear that Trump would weaken and shame our country and probably do much more, then it is your duty as a leader of us—the popular voting second class citizens to act…or our system of elections is also put in serious question for very very good reason.
    I encourage you to exercise the power granted you by the Constitution and join the 156 “faithless” electors in our nation’s history by putting country above party and blocking Donald Trump from the presidency. Hamilton and our Founding Fathers would have done the same, given the moral dilemma you face. A one thousand dollar fine? Is that what is holding you back? I will pay it for you!

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