Jill Stein Asks Recount Donors to Vote on Where to Send Any Unspent Funds

Jill Stein is in the process of polling her 161,000 recount donors, for their input on what to do with the unspent funds. See her web page here.


Jill Stein Asks Recount Donors to Vote on Where to Send Any Unspent Funds — 10 Comments

  1. So people who donated $1 get the same vote as people who donated $2,700. I’m sure those donors who made the most difference feel great about that, and totally didn’t want a refund of their money that she swindled.

  2. Didn’t donate, but I think a privately funded green energy project would make the most sense (ideally something from a non-profit); say some where in the Dakotas… Solar Farm or Wind Farm.

  3. So Brandon, should millionaire and billionaire citizens get more votes in official elections than citizens whose entire salary is only thousands or tens of thousands of dollars? What you advocate is the dropping of even the pretense of democratic elections in favor of plutocratic rule. Sorry, but the Green Party doesn’t believe in plutocracy, and Jill’s actions here are very much in line with Green Party ideals.

    And Jill swindled nothing. She’s even allowing donors to decide what is done with the money that wasn’t spent in what little recount the ruling Establishment allowed to happen.

  4. No, but this is more similar to shareholders in a company than any government. People didn’t want to give money to the Green Party they wanted a recount and Jill refused to do everything she could and “forgot” to meet deadlines. People gave her money to do a job, and she failed at that job. Therefore refunds are in order. If a contractor said he’d build you a house, finished the basement and then said “I couldn’t get the other permits, DAMN GOV’T”, “but hey, if you want, here’s some other unrelated things I can do with your money, and I’ll even let you choose” I doubt you’d be a happy camper.

  5. Brandon…this DOES have to do with government. Jill Stein is a POLITICAL candidate who was engaged in an ELECTION RECOUNT. This has little to do with private companies. Should the Democrats and Republicans and the Political Action Committees that favor them have to refund donors’ money when they don’t fully succeed at political efforts? Why should Jill Stein and the Green Party be arbitrarily subjected to such a requirement? It’s bad enough as it is that we have arbitrary and excessive ballot access requirements/laws against third parties in many states.

  6. And Jill DID do everything she could. What more was she supposed to do in the face of such Establishment opposition in the courts? In your eyes she’s damned if she does, and damned if she doesn’t.

  7. It is really a phony election. She or her controllers will choose the organizations that might receive funding and how many will be chosen. While the website says that STV will be used, she apparently doesn’t understand how to use STV to deliver proportionality. In a real STV election, a political organization may elect multiple members, but under their proposed scheme it appears that each organization will receive the same amount.

    It is not clear who will conduct their election, whether it will be conducted over the Internet, and whether there will be independent observers.

    It would be simpler to communicate with each donor, telling them how much remains unspent, and offer to refund the contribution, or that the money be donated to any of several worthy organizations. This would ensure perfect proportionality, and also make sure that donors are making a free contribution.

  8. She missed a well known deadline: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/pennsylvania-state-department-says-stein-missed-recount-deadline/article/2608305
    Some may say by accident, or because of ineptitude, but its pretty clear what her game was from the start. She got notoriety in the press and made bank.
    And this was done by her, a citizen. She was not acting as an agent of the government. She begged for funds for 1 thing, failed to do that and then decided to keep the money and spend it on GREEN PARTY initiatives. This is textbook fraud.

  9. I say use the money to promote 50-state ballot initiatives for instant runoff voting for consideration by state legislators.

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