Common Cause Petition in Support of National Popular Vote Plan Has Almost 50,000 Signatures

Common Cause is sponsoring an on-line petition in support of the National Popular Vote Plan. Here is a link to the Common Cause web page about that.


Common Cause Petition in Support of National Popular Vote Plan Has Almost 50,000 Signatures — 14 Comments

  1. NO uniform national definition of Elector-Voter in the NPV scheme from Hell.

    Sorry – const amdt required — having such uniform definition.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Umm, Demo Rep… think you misunderstand what it does. It doesn’t replace the electoral college. It simply obligates the state to award the elector seats to the candidate that wins the national popular vote. There’s no change in the process at all other than who gets awarded the electors.

  3. AMcCarrick,

    “elector” refers to the folks who vote in the election, also referred to as “voters”, hence his use of elector-voter. Demo Rep is likely more cognizant of election law than you.

    The Amar brothers, lawyers who concocted the scheme, have argued in the past that the electoral college is sexist, because if there had been election by popular vote, states would have enfranchised women before the 19th Amendment because it would give them more popular votes. Similarly, states might reduce the voting age and permit non-citizens to legally vote.

  4. Jim Riley… oh good lord, you’re clearly as fucking ignorant and retarded as Demo Rep… Maybe we finally outed who it really is.

    Yes, by Elector-Voter he means an elector who is also a voter. He is therefore implying that the voters would be responsible for directly electing the president. That would be the only reason he would be referring to “NO uniform national definition of Elector-Voter”; because the constitution requires an election by electors.

    This is NOT what the National Popular Vote Compact does…. as stated in my prior post, It doesn’t replace the electoral college. It simply obligates the state to award the elector seats to the candidate that wins the national popular vote. There’s no change in the process at all other than who gets awarded the electors. I guess my simple response was to far over your retarded head?

  5. Seriously, why are idiots allowed on the internet? All day, everyday, all I do is get inundated with these fucktards. A 157 IQ is frustrating to have when you live a world of people that barely manage to pass 85 on the scale.

  6. P.S. An elector is somebody who directly elects. A Voter is somebody who can cast a ballot. Thus in all instances other than President one is indeed an elector-voter; but in the case of president a voter is NOT an elector, because they don’t directly elect the president. Under the National Popular Vote compact, voters would NOT be electors, because the process does NOT change at all. The only thing that changes is whose candidate’s electors the state awards the elector roles to.

    Under the National Popular Vote Compact, for example, California still gets 55 electoral votes. If the national popular vote goes to the Democrat, the Democrat would get ALL 55 electors. If, however, the national popular vote goes to the Republican, then the Republican would get ALL 55 electors, even if the Democrat won the state.

    Nothing changes at all other than who is awarded the electoral votes. This is entirely permissible under the constitution, because the constitution does NOT describe the method that the state’s have to use to award electors.

  7. The HACKS in the States will play their EVIL games about who is an Elector-Voter in each State to RIG the *national popular vote* — i.e. the usual suspect Donkey COMMUNIST States will be letting foreigners, children, felons, mentally ill, etc. voting for Prez/VP to totally RIG the results.

    The EVIL mess is due to the SCOTUS HACKS and the brain dead media MORONS wanting a DICTATOR as Prez since 1932 in Great Depression I.

    The rightwing MORONS may get their wish on 20 Jan 2017 with the ANTI-Democracy minority rule Trump.
    The leftwing MORONS will be unhappy and raving for 4 years.

    How about a minor censor for the curse words of AMc ???

    This happens to be a world wide list for election reformers.

    Also – NO approval of the NPV scheme (aka inter-State COMPACT) from Hell by the Congress gerrymander HACKS.

    Sorry — trying to rig Prez election results AIN’T no minor stunt inter-State thing NOT requiring Congress approval. Art. I, Sec. 10, para. 3

    Also – The NPV scheme also attempts to subvert 14th Amdt, Secs 1 and 2 — having popular votes OUTSIDE of a State determine election results INSIDE a State.

    Too many constitutional law and election law M-O-R-O-N-S on this list to count.

    The usual suspect MORONS will of course respond as soon as possible — with their delusional stuff about mere statutory fixes for constitutional problems — thus showing their nonstop ignorance about constitutional law.

    See the 13th Amdt — getting rid of slavery after about 750,000 DEAD on both sides in 1861-1865 — with an ocean of tears for such dead fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, etc. along with multi-thousands of maimed – blind, no hands, arms, feet, legs.

    However the winning totally CORRUPT Elephant HACKS kept the EVIL minority rule gerrymanders in the Electoral College, Senate, and H. Reps. — and stayed mostly in power until 1930-1932.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  8. I’m with Demo Re…er, sorry…Jimbo Riley on this one. I too fear the day that the EVIL NPV compact from HELL is put into effect and Election Day becomes a sort of electoral zombie nightmare, with unruly bands of female, four to nine year old illegal aliens wandering from precinct to precinct like preternatural beasts, casting vote after vote (for Democrats of course), foiling voter ID laws by flashing freshly minted library cards and hall passes, with no regard whatsoever for the possibility of deportation – such is the value of being counted as even just one of tens of millions.

    Keep up the good fight, Jimb…er, sorry…Demo Rep.

  9. AMcCarrick,

    In Texas,

    The millions of folks who voted in November are called “voters”. The dozens of folks who voted on December 19 are called “electors”.

    In Ohio,

    The millions of folks who voted in November are called “electors”. The dozen-and-half folks who voted on December 19 are called “presidential electors”.

    In the United States Constitution, “elector” refers to both the millions who vote in November (Article 1, Section 2; and the 17th Amendment) and the hundreds who vote on December 19 (Article II, Section 1, 12th Amendment, 14th Amendment, 23rd Amendment, and 24th Amendment). The 14th and 24th amendments are concerned with the right of the first meaning of “elector” to vote for among other offices, “electors” of the second type.

    Are you still in high school? If so you might be able to get some extra credit for determining which terms are used in your State.

    Demo Rep is correct to use both terms, since they vary from state-to-state. He might also have spelled it elector/voter.

  10. Barry Scary,

    You don’t think people who move, don’t sometimes vote in both places? One of the reasons the uniform election date for President was established 1845 was to curb the practice of pipelining.

  11. Gee – what do ALL 50 State Constitutions say about those folks who vote for the most numerous branch of the State legislature and vote for statewide State officers ??? — i.e. what is the noun used ???

    I.E. What MORON States allow the gerrymander HACKS to play their EVIL oligarchy games regarding ANY statutory manipulations regarding Electors-Voters ???

    Quite bad enough now with the statutory manipulations regarding Elector-Voter registration and election day polling place ID stuff.

    See the ROT in the recent Michigan recount regarding Stein — old precinct officials making all sorts of mistake due in part to provisional votes, etc.

    How many Electors-Voters vote for 2 State Senators in a 4 year cycle and 3 USA Senators in a 6 year cycle by moving around ???

  12. Demo Rep,

    The Texas Constitution refers to those folks as “voters”. See particularly Article 3 Legislative, Article 4 Executive, Article 5 Judicial, Article 6 Suffrage, and Article 17 Mode of Amending.

    It refers to those who vote in December as “electors”. This is in two places (1) where voters have the right to vote for electors; and (2) where in extraordinary conditions, the legislature may be called in special session to appoint electors.

  13. 1963 Mich Const Art II, Sec. 1

    Every citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 21 years, who has resided in this state six months, and who meets the requirements of local residence provided by law, shall be an elector and qualified to vote in any election except as otherwise provided in this constitution. The legislature shall define residence for voting purposes.

    The MORON hacks in the Mich regime have not yet proposed an amdt regarding the age of 21 years — despite USA Const Amdt 26 — age 18.

    Various statutory mentions of *registered and qualified elector*

    i.e. many of the State constitutions after the 13 original copied stuff from nearby States.

  14. Why no, Jimbo Riley, I don’t think people vote in two places. The wonderful Electoral College you love so much prevents that, doesn…er, now wait a minute…it DOESN’T prevent people from voting twice, now does it?

    So how is that relevant to the discussion of NPV? Oh yes, yes, yes…I SEE it, Jimbo. Those roving bands of female four to nine year old voters will hitchhike from battleground state to battleground state, casting their tainted votes hither and yon, empowered by NPV. Yes, you’re right, Jimbo…SCHEME from HELL, devised by MORON hacks.

    Good to have you and Demo Rep looking out for us. By the way – I really enjoyed that “exchange” above between you and your alter ego. Entertaining stuff!!!

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