Arkansas Bill to Move 2018 Primary from Late May to Early March; Would Make all General Election Petition Deadlines Even Earlier

Arkansas Senator Gary Stubblefield (R-Branch) has introduced SB 122, which would move the primary from late May to early March. The state had an early March primary in 2016 but the existing law says primaries after 2016 should return to May (with the run-off in June).

Every time Arkansas moves the primary to an earlier date, the petition deadlines for non-presidential independent candidates and new parties automatically become much earlier. Arkansas is already in court over those deadlines, and SB 122 makes them worse.


Arkansas Bill to Move 2018 Primary from Late May to Early March; Would Make all General Election Petition Deadlines Even Earlier — 1 Comment

  1. I think all elections should be held on the same day in every state . the people should have to vote on all bills and up coming law’s as they effect us and should be our decision

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