Independent Candidate Leads in Polls for President of France; Election is April 23

Emmanuel Macron, an independent candidate for President of France, is leading in at least one public opinion poll, according to this story. The election is April 23. If no one gets 50%, there is a run-off two weeks later. In second place is Marine LePen of the National Front, a party that has shown considerable strength during the past decade, but which has never elected the President of France.

The nominees of the two major parties are trailing.


Independent Candidate Leads in Polls for President of France; Election is April 23 — 3 Comments

  1. Leonardo – Emmanuel Macron created “En Marche” as the vehicle for his independent campaign for President.

    M. Macron is gaining votes from people who are abandoning the scandal plagued Republican candidate. An example Americans should follow.

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