Portland Press Herald, Largest Newspaper in Maine, Calls on Legislature to Support Ranked Choice Voting

The June 8 Portland (Maine) Press Herald has this editorial, asking the legislature to make it possible to implement ranked choice voting by amending the Maine Constitution. Thanks to IVN for the link.


Portland Press Herald, Largest Newspaper in Maine, Calls on Legislature to Support Ranked Choice Voting — 1 Comment

  1. The IRV system in single-winner districts will create a one-party system because a 50% (plus one vote) is required and the largest party/civic group will always win.

    That leaves nothing for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and independent groups, who will be wondering what to do next, after they supported a one-party system.

    Are you interested in pure proportional representation, where all parties and independents win votes, under lower thresholds starting at 33.33% (plus one vote) in two-member districts?

    The 10th USA Parliament has been doing vote counting right since 1995 and we have the “juice”.

    Learn how Sergie Brin, founder of google.com, changed his search engine name to be like my personal logo joogle in October of 1997, he went on to turn search traffic away from our site as per requests from greens.org owner Cameron Spitzer.

    Google never adopted pure proportional representation themselves within their corporate governance of search engine, in fact by usurping our work they have extended civil wars and division around the world so they can benefit by advertising.

    Here’s the story they don’t want you to know, decide for yourself, whether our group was ripped off and peaceful progress thwarted, and now the wrong mathematical system of IRV is being promoted in many places like Maine.


    There is only one way to bring unity in politics and the new United Coalition of Candidates is attracting candidates around the world who are interested in learning more about unity under pure proportional representation (PR).


    Nobody has it as good as the United Coalition.

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