New Hampshire Libertarian Party Will Hold Press Conference on June 27 to Reveal the Name of a Third Legislator Who Has Joined the Party

The New Hampshire Libertarian Party will announce on Tuesday, June 27, the name of a third legislator this year who has switched his or her voter registration to “Libertarian.”


New Hampshire Libertarian Party Will Hold Press Conference on June 27 to Reveal the Name of a Third Legislator Who Has Joined the Party — 3 Comments

  1. This is good news, so long as none of these legislators turn out to be LINOs (Libertarian In Name Only), like that Assemblyman John Moore in Nevada did last year. Moore switched from Republican to Libertarian while the Nevada legislature was on a break, and when the legislature came back in session before the general election to vote on two bills, one to increase the motel occupancy tax to fund a football stadium, and the other to allow a sales tax increase for more money for the police, Moore stabbed Libertarians in the back by voting yes on the these bills, both of which generated negative publicity for the party. Fortunately, Moore was not reelected, but unfortunately, he managed to con a bunch of Libertarians into donating money to his campaign, and he squandered their donations.

  2. I just hope that every Libertarian retains their seat when they’re up for election next year…

  3. “I just hope that every Libertarian retains their seat when they’re up for election next year…”

    I agree, assuming that those in question are actually libertarian Libertarians, and not LINOs.

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