Jack Bergerson, a sixteen-year-old Kansas high school student, says he intends to file for the 2018 Democratic nomination for Governor. See this story. The Kansas Constitution, Article I, section 1, says that Governors must have the qualifications as are provided by statute. But there are no statutes in Kansas that control eligibility to hold the office of Governor. Thanks to Ken Bush for the link.
One more example of why ALL qualifications for elective offices (and Elector-Voters) MUST be in constitutions —
IE to NOT have the gerrymander HACK MONSTERS play their nonstop statutory machinations – aka games.
Can a minor file for office, or would a parent have to file on his behalf?
There’s probably no statute for that either.
It is likely under general law that a minor is considered incompetent to attest to their candidacy.
When Louisiana attempted to switch back to October elections for Congress, Louisiana was sued on behalf of the parent of a daughter who would turn 18 between the October primary, and any November runoff. The daughter would have been injured if the election were resolved before the date set by Congress, but she could not protect that interest without her parents.