Gary Johnson and Jill Stein Won’t Ask for Rehearing En Banc on Anti-Trust Debates Case, But Will Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case

The U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, ruled against Gary Johnson and Jill Stein at the end of August, in their lawsuit that argues the Commission on Presidential Debates is breaking federal anti-trust laws. Johnson and Stein won’t ask for a rehearing en banc, but they do intend to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case. Thanks to Independent Voters Network for this news.


Gary Johnson and Jill Stein Won’t Ask for Rehearing En Banc on Anti-Trust Debates Case, But Will Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case — 1 Comment

  1. Are you tired of seeing fussing and fighting between the egomaniac third party candidates who have no inclination for pure proportional representation, who think they alone are “the answer to the two-day system” but yet they ignore equal treatment and equal time within their own party while being eager to engage in their own vile lawsuit actions, eager to squash all good will and squash proper coalition-building?

    Believe it or not, the United Coalition has been working with hundreds of political candidates for more than twenty-two consecutive years under pure proportional representation and it works good.

    While others try to exploit the team by pretending to be united under inferior voting systems that bring hostility to their cause, the United Coalition has been leading by example and spreading the unity phenomena that’s sweeping the globe, despite the work of these pluralist self-centered, greed heads.

    Team psychology means placing the team above the individual.

    Nobody can bring all parties and independents together as one like the United Coalition under pure proportional representation, where names and decision-items are elected by the team transparently, free, equal, and lowest thresholds for all.

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