
Newspaper Columnist Says U.S. Needs More Political Parties — 5 Comments

  1. What percentage of the folks in the USA (esp media folks) are brain dead ignorant about P.R —

    due to the rotted publik skools, polisci profs, media, etc. ???

    PR — around since 1840s – 1840s

    — *might* have prevented the 750,000 DEAD in the USA horrific Civil War I.

    PR and AppV

  2. We build on the works of our illustrious predecessors — including Solon, Locke, Montesquieu, Mason.

    TWO main things have at least partially reduced nonstop 24/7 tyranny —

    1. Majority Rule elections — aka Democracy — esp. in legislative body elections.

    2. Separation of Powers.

    The USA has neither in major part (for lots of BAD history reasons) —

    thus the nonstop super-obvious monarch/oligarch moron/tyrant worse and worse stuff in ALL regimes in the USA — directly heading towards Civil W-A-R II.

    PR and AppV
    TOTAL separation of powers

  3. Casual Observer… I’m starting to think it’s a bot with an occasional actual person jumping in.

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