North Carolina Board of Elections is Working on How an Unqualified Party Can Document that it Was on Ballot for President in 35 States in the Last Presidential Election

The new North Carolina ballot access law for parties says a party is on the ballot if its presidential nominee was on the ballot in at least 35 states in the last presidential election. The State Board of Elections is now working on a procedure on how a party should document this. The State Board has already been in touch with the North Carolina Green Party about this. The new provision has no impact just now on any other third party, but Greens can use this provision because Jill Stein was on the ballot in November 2016 in 44 states.

The new law has no impact on the Libertarian Party at this time, because the party was already on the ballot under the alternative provision that keeps parties on the ballot if they got at least 2% for either president or governor. In November 2016 the Libertarian Party got 2.77% for President and 2.19% for Governor.


North Carolina Board of Elections is Working on How an Unqualified Party Can Document that it Was on Ballot for President in 35 States in the Last Presidential Election — 4 Comments

  1. So much for alleged State independence.

    Since when do political events OUT of a State affect ballot access IN a State ???

  2. When you say the Greens would be on the ballot, does that mean full ballot access or just for president?

  3. The Greens would be on the ballot for all office. The earlier version of the bill said such a party would only be on for president. But a few weeks later the bill was amended to say that such a party would be a fully qualified party. And that is the version that passed. It is confusing when a bill gets amended during its process through the legislature.

  4. Was the Green Party contacted by the NC Bipartisan State Board of Elections & Ethics Enforcement or by the NC State Board of Elections?

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