Quinnipiac Poll for Virginia Gubernatorial Race

A Quinnipiac Poll was released on October 30 for the Virginia gubernatorial election next week. It has an interesting breakdown of the vote by various groups of voters. It shows that 6% of independents support Cliff Hyra, the Libertarian nominee. But it shows that fewer than 1% of Democrats, and fewer than 1% of Republicans, support Hyra. Thanks to Political Wire for the link.


Quinnipiac Poll for Virginia Gubernatorial Race — 4 Comments

  1. And yet we all know for a fact he’d be called a spoiler by whichever side loses if someone wins with less than 50%, even if this maintained true for the election.

  2. Down by 17 points with a week to go. Hopefully this will be the end of Gillespie’s political career. He’s dropped from big-government, pro-bailout, Democrat-lite down to Trump tier scum.

  3. NONPARTISAN elections for all elected executive officers and all judges via AppV – pending Condorcet.

  4. Hyra has good positions but doesn’t know how to campaign (website is atrocious, for starters). Too bad Sarvis moved out of state :/

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