Yahoo News Story Suggests Democrats Might be Kept off November Ballot in California’s 48th U.S. House District

One of the prime Democratic Party targets next year is California’s U.S. House seat in the 48th district. Democrats are so eager to run against incumbent Republican Dana Rohrabacher, there are seven strong Democrats already announced. However, according to this Yahoo News story, there is also a well-funded Republican running, Stelian Onufrei. Rohrabacher is running for re-election. The very last section of the story suggests the possibility that the top-two system will prevent any Democrat from being on the November ballot. This could happen if the Democratic vote is split so many ways that Rohrabacher and Onufrei finish first and second in the primary.


Yahoo News Story Suggests Democrats Might be Kept off November Ballot in California’s 48th U.S. House District — 3 Comments

  1. O, I hope the Republicans win spots 1 and 2. That will really create a backlash against top-two.

  2. Any GIANT backlash [marching in the streets, etc. – REAL resistance] against having the top 2 primary Donkeys in CA for USA Senator — with likely more of the same in 2018, 2020, etc. – for many offices ???

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