Pennsylvania makes it illegal for persons associated with legal gambling to make any campaign contributions to candidates for state or local office, or to political parties. They may not even make independent expenditures. On August 15, 2017, several potential donors filed a federal lawsuit to overturn the law. It is Deon v Barasch, m.d. 1:17cv-1454. The case has a management conference on December 20, 2017. It is before Judge Sylvia Rambo, a Carter appointee. Here is the amended complaint.
But quite OK for incumbent hacks to gamble ???
Persons associated with illegal gambling probably don’t want legalized gambling, which are often quasi-state operations, to interfere with their business. Hmmm 5th Amendment vs. 1st Amendment?
But quite OK for illegal gambling folks (esp mafia types) to make donations to incumbent hacks ???