Here is the November 7, 2017 New Jersey registration data. Since July 2017, Democratic registration has risen 1.4%; Republican registration has risen 1.0%; independent and miscellaneous registration has risen .8%; and registration into the state’s third parties has risen 22.0%.
Between July and November 2017, these are the increases for each third party:
Libertarian, 7,170 to 8,349
Conservative, 5,268 to 6,467
Constitution, 4,694 to 5,972
Green, 4,496 to 5,359
Socialist, 2,137 to 2,731
Natural Law, 1,881 to 2,370
Reform, 602 to 764
Does the Natural Law Party still exist in NJ, or is this more of a bureaucratic leftover sort of thing?
The Natural Law Party no longer exists in any state except Michigan, where it still is on the ballot and always polls enough votes to remain on. In 2016 it nominated Emidio Soltysik (the Socialist Party presidential nominee) within Michigan.
ALL public party registration lists are PURGE lists
— See Stalin and Hitler PURGES in the 1930s
— IE ZERO learned from history — As usual.
Demo Rep, what the hell are you talking about?
Backing up a bit —
What if there had been public party registration lists in the slave States in 1854-1860 ???
How many very brave Elephant registered folks in such slave States would have been killed/put in a concentration camp [ie PURGED) by the slavery oligarchs in the secession regimes in 1860-1861 ???
Reminder – there were de facto Union Army military regimes also in the border slave States – MO, KY, MD – during the Civil War.
Guess what — Did Civil WAR II start on Nov 2016 election day ???
— with New Age PURGE lists ready to be used. Duh.
NJ had statewide elections in Nov 2017 — which accounts for some part of the 22% increases.
Even little DE was a border slave State.
ANY Union Army regiments from DE ???
New Jersey introduced their current affiliation form in February 2017. A voter may check one of 9 parties (or political bodies) or request to be non-affiliated. There are no party write-ins. New Jersey only recognizes two parties. Other candidates run as petition candidates who can use a slogan or description.
The voter registration form has a box to affiliate with a party, along with a blank line; or a box to not affiliate with a party. The registration form also has check boxes to indicate whether it is a new registration; or a name change, address change, signature update, or party affiliation/non-affiliation change. It is possible that this was the only way to change a party affiliation in the past. If someone was told that “all” they had to do was fill out a new voter registration form, they might not accurately remember the form, and think about the last job application they did, and imagine they would be subject to drug testing and a background check (i.e. not worth the effort).
It appears that since February 2017, that a voter may register with a voter application and/or affiliation form. The affiliation form has the party check boxes prominently displayed at the top, and the biographical information below. I suspect new registrants may be given both forms, and told that they only had to fill out the minimum information to tie the two together.
New Jersey began breaking out five minor parties in 2002 (Green, Libertarian, Natural Law, Reform, and Constitution). In 2008, Conservative was added, and in 2016 Socialist was added. Before 2002 they had a category of “Independent” which was distinct from non-affiliated. This category disappeared after 2015, presumably absorbed into non-affiliated (in 2005 there were 20K Independents, and 1400 persons in the 5 named political bodies). In 2006, after the 20K Independents were eliminated, about 200 persons had been added to the 5 minor bodies.
Between 2002 and early 2017, the number of minor party affiliates increased from 581 to 4848. Since February 2016, the number of minor party affiliates has increased from 4848 to 32,519.
That is:
From 2002 to early 2016, or 13+ years an increase of 5K, or less than 500 per year on average.
From February 2016 to December 2017 an increase of 28K or a rate of new affiliations of over 20 times the rate.
Between 2007 and February 2016, Natural Law had between 24 and 38 registrants. They now have 2408, a 5337% (54-fold) increase.
Because of the way which affiliations are now done, the 22% figure in the headline is gibberish. A more useful metric would be share of new affiliations.
Since February 2016 the increase by party:
Constitution 5934
Conservative 5887
Libertarian 5835
Green 4162
Socialist 2767
Natural Law 2370
Reform 716
The poor showing of Reform in New Jersey is not surprising. It is probably regarded as subversive.