Texas Tribune Explains Status of Federal Lawsuits Over Texas Redistricting and Voter ID

Texas has been embroiled in lawsuits over its U.S. House and legislative districts, and its voter ID law for voting at the polls, for years. This Texas Tribune article explains the status of each set of lawsuits. Thanks to Electionline for the link.


Texas Tribune Explains Status of Federal Lawsuits Over Texas Redistricting and Voter ID — 2 Comments

  1. Many gerrymander districts with lots of invaders — aka illegal immigrants — who got counted in gerrymander USA Census.

    — ie way below average number of LEGAL voters elect the gerrymander oligarchs in the gerrymander districts involved.

    3 main groups in Texas gerrymanders – whites/*anglos*, blacks, spanish —

    prime territory for Civil WAR II — as in CA and FL.

    PR and AppV

  2. What percentage of folks have ANY *proof* that they are USA citizens ???

    ie having ANY *allegiance* to the USA Const — with ANY State connection via 14 Amdt, Sec. 1

    Bit special in Texas —

    1836 Revolution >>> Texas Republic — independent nation-state — see Vermont Republic in 1777-1791.

    1845 1 more State in the USA.

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