Utah Bill to Let Parties Exclude Petitioning Candidates from their Own Primary Ballots

Utah Representative Justin Fawson (R-North Ogden) has introduced HB 68. It would let parties decide whether or not to let candidates petition onto that party’s primary ballot. If parties don’t want to allow candidates to petition onto their primary ballot, then the only other way to get on a primary ballot would be for the candidate to make a strong showing in a party endorsements meeting. That was the law in Utah several years ago.

Ever since the petition alternative was added, the Utah Republican Party has been suing in federal court to eliminate the ability of candidates to petition onto the Republican primary ballot. The lawsuit, Utah Republican Party v Cox, 16-4091, is pending in the Tenth Circuit. The Utah Republican Party only wants candidates who do well in party meetings.


Utah Bill to Let Parties Exclude Petitioning Candidates from their Own Primary Ballots — 4 Comments

  1. As usual — each gang of robot party hacks is NOT an independent empire with dictator control.

    PUBLIC nominations by PUBLIC Electors-Voters for PUBLIC offices by PUBLIC L-A-W-S —

    one more subject area screwed up by SCOTUS and lower courts.

    NO hack caucuses, primaries and conventions.

    Ballot access ONLY via EQUAL nominating petitions or filing fees.

    PR and AppV

  2. This is a fantastic bill!!! The State Government and Federal Government should NEVER dictate to a political party who gets to claim affiliation with that party. That is the party’s right.

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