Congressional Bill to Require Presidential Nominees of Political Parties to Release Medical Information

On January 9, congressmember Brendan Boyle (D-Pennsylvania) introduced HR 4742. It requires presidential nominees of political parties to have a health examination from a doctor who is under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy. It further requires that the results of the exam would be made public.

The bill does not say what happens if the presidential nominee does not comply. Also the bill seems not to apply to independent presidential candidates. Unlike some bills relating to tax return disclosure, there is no mention of withholding ballot access.


Congressional Bill to Require Presidential Nominees of Political Parties to Release Medical Information — 7 Comments

  1. What is next ???

    A video tape 24/7 birth to death life history of all the ancestors of a candidate going back to Adam and Eve ???

    How EVIL STUPID ROTTED are New Age CORRUPT POWERMAD MORON gerrymander HACKS — Donkey and Elephant versions ???
    PR and AppV

  2. When will RECALL stuff be added to the almost dead USA Const ???

    ie – entire Congress or any elected or appointed exec or judic officer ???

    When will voter petitions for USA Const Amdts and laws and treaties be also added ???

    — to END the rule of the gerrymander MONSTERS / oligarchs.

  3. Stupid, brain-dead idea. This is nothing more than an unconstitutional qualification for the office of President of These United States.

  4. Congressoid Brendan Boyle spent too much time on the acronym for the bill, to be concerned with any practicality.

  5. Special Dictionary for all the adjectives, adverbs and nouns for the Hack MORON schemes ???

    Might be 90 plus percent the size of ordinary dictionaries ???

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