National Popular Vote Plan Re-Introduced in Oregon Legislature

The Oregon Senate Rules Committee has introduced SB 1512. It provides that Oregon will join the National Popular Vote Compact, if the voters approve the idea in November 2018. See this story.


National Popular Vote Plan Re-Introduced in Oregon Legislature — 8 Comments

  1. One more leftwing scheme — to rig results.
    Correct Const Amdt — Uniform definition of voter in ALL of the USA

    NO primaries

    PR and AppV

  2. Yes, because having elections decided by the people with either a plurality or majority, and not an archaic electoral college system that should have been phased out in the 1900’s is so, so left-wing. You’ve convinced me, Marx’s ghost must have been the one to come up with, what is it again… Oh, that’s right, bloody democracy!

    You know what rigs results, Demo? An electoral college that five times now has given the presidency to the candidate who got less votes than another, that is a rigged result. Having a system where the person who gets the most votes win is, in that regard, the least rigged result possible.

  3. Sorry JM4 —
    you must not be able to read (and/or understand) my many posts about the current ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander systems in the USA —

    both houses of the Congress, all 99 houses in the State legislatures, many local regimes —
    the USA Prez/VP Electoral College, etc.

    PR = Democracy in legislative body elections.

    AppV = Democracy in all exec-judic office elections.

    Heaven help the USA — from the many MORONS who can NOT detect the minority rule in the USA since 1776-1789 versus REAL majority rule = Democracy — by definition.


    The math MORONS can NOT detect the EPC in the 14th Amdt, Sec. 1 and the abridge in 14 Amdt, Sec 2 —

    ie having a State’s 12th Amdt INTERNAL Electoral College Votes (ECV) depend on EXTERNAL election results.

    Popular Votes
    AB 1
    YZ 20,000,000

    Other States

    AB 100,000,000 — 268 ECV
    YZ 80,000,000 — 200 ECV

    AB 100,000,001 268 or 338 ECV
    YZ 100,000,000 270 or 200 ECV

    The whole mess is due to communist usual suspects wanting a *good* communist tyrant to be Prez forever — a very long time.

    Any thing to stop the usual suspect States from having FOREIGN voters voting for USA Prez, USA Senators, USA Reps ???

  5. And again Demo Rep goes on an idiot tirade that proves he knows absolutely nothing about anything.

  6. Aiden’s conclusion that “[Demo Rep] knows absolutely nothing about anything” is a complete non-sequitur from the fact that DR’s posts are typically TLDR; and are mostly random facts.

    As annoying as some of DR’s posts are, after I learned how to decipher his scratchings, I can occasionally actually glean interesting information from some of his posts.

  7. In San Francisco California, the ranked choice voting (RCV) system assures that the people of San Francisco always elect eleven city council members in eleven single-winner districts with a guaranteed 50% (plus one vote) minimum and that assures that only the largest civic group wins 100% of the time.

    When I first ran for Governor of California in 1994 on a platform of state voting reform through pure proportional representation, as it turns out I was correct; The RCV system is good for at-large (all eleven seats in SF elected at-large simultaneously), would create a maximum threshold of 8.3% (plus one vote), and a guaranteed city-wide satisfaction level of 91.6% (8.3 x 11 = 91.6) of participating voters.

    Now in 1992, I started my campaign for Santa Cruz City Council as the United Coalition, I ran for President of the USA as the United Coalition and I continued my campaign on Usenet. (Three years before Windows ’95)

    In October of 1997, the founder Google Sergie Brin found my campaign with his search engine (then named and he copied my logo “Go Ogle”, and tried to be artistic (I am an artist), after he joined my campaign’s conversation on Usenet and found our team.

    But when interviewed by the SF Chronicle, after I had informed the reporter that Brin copied my name, Brin admitted that he spelled the word googol wrong.

    But now more than two decades later, google became successful, soon after the name change people were attracted.

    Then in 2012 I ran for US President and won the only state primary (in Missouri) for the Libertarian nomination with 52.7% but the Libertarian Party bosses denied me a chance to explain to the voters of the convention about my campaign which I attribute to teamwork under pure proportional representation with many female candidates including Roseanne Barr [Green Tea], Miss Joy Waymire [Anarchist] and other excellent team players.

    The Libertarian Party snuffed out my free speech after the hard work I put in to Missouri:

    Here is more info. to show my win with 52.7%:

    Now we are running again with the United Coalition:

    Watch for the announcement and join the team, we are setting precedent for the International Parliament Senate Chamber Humanitarian Project to help women and children in India. When you join as a subscriber, more than 50% of your $10. fee, will be transferred to Human Rights Minister Jennifer Naidu [Women Empowerment and Education] on April 23rd, 2018.

    Sign up today and be a part of ending the one-party system in San Francisco, as we organize to switch the city elections to the system of pure proportional representation!

    Sign up:

    –James Ogle [Republican] for Lt. Governor of California
    (831) 224-5786

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