Memphis Voters Will Decide Whether to Use Ranked-Choice Voting in City Office Elections

The Memphis, Tennessee city council has voted to ask the voters whether or not to use ranked choice voting in elections for city office. See this story. The issue will be on the November 2018 ballot. Thanks to Electionline for this news.


Memphis Voters Will Decide Whether to Use Ranked-Choice Voting in City Office Elections — 5 Comments

  1. Which math infection is worse —

    top 2 primaries
    RCV aka IRV ???

    PR and AppV – pending Condorcet

  2. Top 2 in CA = 2 D or 2 R in many election areas – State or Substate = one party rule {also]

    PR and Appv – pending Condorcet

  3. Under IRV, only the biggest party wins, 100% of the time.

    Under top two, the second, third, fourth, etc. biggest also has a random chance because of split votes when multiple candidates run.

    No split vote phenomena under IRV, so no random wins by others, only the biggest can win under IRV in single winner districts. Guaranteed.

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