South Dakota Bill to Let Independents Vote in Primaries Advances

On February 7, the South Dakota House State Affairs Committee passed HB 1305. It says that voter registration forms shall contain a space that will let an independent designate which party’s primary (if any) that voter prefers to vote in.


South Dakota Bill to Let Independents Vote in Primaries Advances — 3 Comments

  1. New forms possible with each election ???

    The moron bill has no deadline dates.

    NO primaries.

    PR and AppV

  2. What’s the difference between “designating a party primary to vote with” and just registering with a party?

  3. It’s a mental attitude difference. When one registers with a party, one is a member of that party, and some people are uncomfortable joining a party. So these people can now be happy internally that they are not joining a party and yet they can still vote in one party’s primary. It’s actually a creative idea, not duplicated in any other state.

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