Both of Mississippi’s U.S. Senate Seats Will Have Elections in November 2018

U.S. Senator Thad Cochran is resigning from the Senate on April 1, 2018. His term would ordinarily not have been up until 2020. Mississippi law says his seat will be filled in a special non-partisan election on November 6, 2018. If no one gets 50%, there will be a run-off in December. Mississippi special elections, like Georgia and Texas special elections, are non-partisan, with no party nominees.

Meanwhile, the other Mississippi Senate seat will have a regularly-scheduled partisan election, also on November 6, 2018.


Both of Mississippi’s U.S. Senate Seats Will Have Elections in November 2018 — 17 Comments

  1. Eighteen-Member United Coalition of Candidates (UCC, Updated 3/6/2018)

    Candidates for Senate (SD) and Assembly (AD) Districts of California, USA (November 2018)
    CA SD 26 Mark Herd [Libertarian]
    CA SD 26 Baron Bruno [Libertarian]
    CA AD 41 Alan Reynolds [Whig/Reform/Justice]

    Candidates for Governor of California, USA (November 2018)
    Nickolas Wildstar [Libertarian]
    Stasyi Barth [Republican]

    Candidates for Lt. Governor of California, USA (November 2018)
    Gail McLaughlin [Independent]
    James Ogle [Republican]
    Tim Ferreira [Libertarian]

    Candidate for Mendocino County Board Of Supervisors, California, USA (November 2018)
    Pamela Elizondo [Green]

    Candidates for USA Congress (November 2018)
    California CD 2 Andy Caffrey [Ecotopian Democratic]
    Louisiana CD 3 Verone Thomas [Noble People of Conscious]
    California CD 36 Doug Hassett [Republican]

    Candidates for (POTUS) President of the United States (November 2020)
    Donald Trump [Republican]
    Miss Joy Waymire [Anarchist]
    Adam Kokesh [Libertarian]

    Candidate for Vice President of the United States (November 2020)
    BJ Jordan [Dallas Cowboys]

    Candidate for Chairman of National Patriot Party of Ghana, Africa (2018)
    Alhaji Abubakari Abdul Rahaman [NPP]

    Candidate for Member of Ontario Province, Canada (June 7th, 2018)
    Raphael Louis [National Coalition Party of Canada (NCPC)]
    * * *

  2. Yes, they are both at-large USA. We proportionalists view Congress, Senate and POTUS as at-large USA, America Province #1 and Earth.

    The offices are all one at-large USA.

  3. @5 . . . James, that may be the way your coalition envisages them, but the US Senate races in Mississippi are only “at-large Mississippi”. And if you try to vote in those elections on the strength of your vision, and you’re not registered to vote in Mississippi, others will work hard to convince you of that.

  4. Sorry you cannot comprehend national unity, John. Our team uses teamwork on a national level which is not limited to just voters whose work is confined to their own State. We respect the State borders, we do not advocate removing them, but we are not limited by them in many ways other than ability to vote for them as you suggest.

    The United Coalition has a unity phenomena that transcends borders.

  5. James Ogle… “Sorry you cannot comprehend national unity”… and with this statement you just outed yourself as worthless nationalist scum.

  6. Say, what’s the requirements for a candidate to get on ballot for the special senate election?

  7. JM

    The GERRYMANDER MORONS can NOT detect that X days are required to have *special elections*.

    Where is that MODEL ELECTION LAW ???

    2013 Mississippi Code
 Title 23 – ELECTIONS 
§ 23-15-855 – Elections to fill vacancies in office of U.S. Senator; interim appointments by Governor

    Universal Citation: MS Code § 23-15-855 (2013)


    (1) If a vacancy shall occur in the office of United States Senator from Mississippi by death, resignation or otherwise, the Governor shall, within ten (10) days after receiving official notice of such vacancy, issue his proclamation for an election to be held in the state to elect a Senator to fill such unexpired term as may remain,

    provided the unexpired term is more than twelve (12) months

    and the election shall be held within ninety (90) days from the time the proclamation is issued

    and the returns of such election shall be certified to the Governor in the manner set out above for regular elections,

    unless the vacancy shall occur in a year that there shall be held a general state or congressional election,

    in which event the Governor’s proclamation shall designate the general election day as the time for electing a Senator, and the vacancy shall be filled by appointment as hereinafter provided.

    (2) In case of a vacancy in the office of United States Senator, the Governor may appoint a Senator to fill such vacancy temporarily,

    and if the United States Senate be in session at the time the vacancy occurs the Governor shall appoint a Senator within ten (10) days after receiving official notice thereof,

    and the Senator so appointed shall serve until his successor is elected and commissioned as provided for in subsection (1) of this section,

    provided that such unexpired term as he may be appointed to fill shall be for a longer time than one (1) year,

    but if for a shorter time than one (1) year he shall serve for the full time of the unexpired term and no special election shall be called by the Governor but his successor shall be elected at the regular election.


  8. One more MESS since the gerrymander MORONS are NOT capable of writing laws that can be understood by mere humans —

    IF such and such AAA [at a time and place], THEN BBB.

  9. JM more —

    NO forms shown [YET] for USA Senator special elections

    Has side text-

    Independent Candidates file a Statement of Intent, petition containing signatures of not less than 1,000 qualified electors of the state and a $1,000 qualifying fee to the Secretary of State’s Office. 

    Forms like below for USA Reps ???

    Form shown for USA Rep special elections has —


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