Maryland Senate Passes Bill Requiring General Election Presidential Candidates to Reveal Income Tax Returns

On March 5, the Maryland Senate passed SB 256. It blocks presidential and vice-presidential candidates from appearing on the November ballot if either has failed to reveal federal income tax returns. Write-in candidates are exempt. The vote was 28-17. Four Democrats and all Republicans voted against the bill. Now it goes to the House. Thanks to Political Wire for the news.


Maryland Senate Passes Bill Requiring General Election Presidential Candidates to Reveal Income Tax Returns — 3 Comments

  1. Yet another reason to ABOLISH the EVIL CORRUPT (EC) minority rule EC.

    Const Amdt

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA.
    PR and AppV

  2. Patently unconstitutional qualification for the offices of President and Vice-President.

  3. What is next — a video tape life history —

    to be 100 percent sure that a Prez candidate has been 100 percent *politically correct* since birth ???

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