North Carolina Governor Appoints Eight Members to State Board of Elections

On March 16, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper appointed eight members to the State Board of Elections. See this press release from the Governor’s office. The ninth member, who must be someone who is neither a Democrat or a Republican, can’t be appointed until the new board members meet and propose someone.

Now that the Board has members again, it should be possible for the Green Party to be recognized as a qualified party.


North Carolina Governor Appoints Eight Members to State Board of Elections — 11 Comments

  1. They should appoint a Green in the ninth seat, as an apology for the delay in confirming the North Carolina Greens’ rightfully earned qualified party status.

  2. Who needs State boards full of HACKS ???

    Sue the top hack directly for any election law violations.

  3. There is a good amount of time for the Greens to nominate candidates. Because this is the first year they have been on the ballot, they nominate by convention instead of by primary. Their nominations aren’t due until May, or maybe even a little bit later.

  4. JR-

    The NC Guv, SOS or local chief election officer obviously.

    Too many FATAL defects in the USA and State Consts to count —

    due to LATE DARK AGE *thinking*

    — esp the various FATAL defects in the 1776 Brit regime carried into such Consts

    — esp a lack of TOTAL separation of Powers.

  5. Lots of boards have some sort of collective legislative powers — so are deemed immune.

    Lots of boards have some sort of collective executive powers — so are deemed immune.

    Lots of boards have some sort of collective judicial powers — so are deemed immune.

    IE – a license to be collective LAWLESS tyrant HACKS.

  6. @DR,

    In NC, the SOS has no authority over elections. In NC, county boards of elections are appointed by the state board of elections.

  7. Nice to note that JR has the time and energy to report on the rotted details of the State election *systems* — part of the now TOTAL crisis —

    minority rule gerrymanders, executive tyrants (with their stooge appointments) and lack of separation of powers — ie communist statists vs fascist statists.

    NC appointed State board HACKS >>> NC appointed County Board HACKS.

    PR and APPV

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