Here is a list of all candidates for California statewide office who will be on the June 5, 2018 ballot. It is posted on the Tulare County elections web page.
For U.S. Senate, there are 32 candidates: nine Democrats, ten Republicans, ten independents, one Libertarian, one Peace & Freedom, one Constitution. The Constitution Party member will have “party preference: none” because the Constitution Party is not a qualified party.
For Governor, there are 28 candidates: eleven Democrats, five Republicans, seven independents, two Libertarians, two Greens, one Peace & Freedom.
Lieutenant Governor, ten candidates: four Democrats, three Republicans, two independents, and one Libertarian.
Secretary of State, eight: two Democrats, two Republicans, one Libertarian, two Greens, one Peace & Freedom.
Controller, three: one Democrat, one Republican, one Peace & Freedom.
Treasurer, four: two Democrats, one Republican, one Peace & Freedom.
Attorney General, five: two Democrats, one Republican, two independents.
Insurance Commissioner, five: two Democrats, one independent, one Peace & Freedom.
Election systems in which all candidates (from all parties) appear on a single primary ballot generally tend to be crowded for U.S. Senator and Governor. The number of candidates for U.S. Senate in past California primaries has been: 1998 thirteen; 2000 fifteen; 2012 twentyfour; 2016 thirtyfour. California had a blanket primary in 1998 and 2000, in which all candidates appeared on a single primary ballot, and the top vote-getter from each party qualified for the November ballot.
It’s too bad that no minor party candidates will be probably able to get on the general election ballot. California has one of the most restrictive ballot access laws in the country.
Needs to change, otherwise people will not vote. Also, any AIP?
Apparently no AIP candidates for any partisan office this year. Certainly none for statewide office.
10 percent or less to get on the general election ballots in some areas ???
NO primaries – PR and AppV
Why have an elected Controller and Insurance Commissioner ???
TOTAL lack of trust in the other statewide officers ???
Does ANY State complain that the USA regime elects the Prez as THE ONLY elected USA Executive branch officer ???
— esp since 1932 — Prez now an elected LAWLESS tyrant-monarch.
The United Coalition has been using the pure proportional representation (PPR) voting system for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works fine.
The establishment media snuffs our the reporting on the unity and the political elite also spins division and the only news.
No political Party can successfully agree to work together for equal time, equal treatment and PPR because the plurality election strategy (not PPR) advocated by them does not allow team work and instead encourages division.
Working together for the good of the whole requires the team psychology of PPR and so our team has an edge. That’s because we prohibit plurality elections while electing the team.
Michael Bracamontes is apparently running for governor as a Democrat. The Tulare County website does not have anything. But his campaign website is not working. He pledged not to take corporate contributions – maybe the corporation that hosts his campaign website retaliated.
If he is a Democrat, then there will be 12 Democrats, and six NPP. On March 24, the SOS has to give notice to all candidates who they are running against. The SOS must have issued a sneak preview to Tulare County. Desmond Silveira is the candidate of the American Solidarity Party.
Gayle McLaughlin a candidate for Lieutenant Governor was elected to the Richmond city council when she was a Green. She changed her affiliation to NPP in order to be able to vote for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primary. She might have switched back to Green, but I don’t know.
For Treasurer, Greg Conlon is a Republican.
For Attorney General, Xavier Becerra is a Democrat, Eric Early a Republican, and Adrian Rose Bracialle a Peace & Freedom.
For Insurance Commissioner, Ricardo Lara is a Democrat. There are four candidates running.
For US Senator, Jerry Joseph Laws is a Republican. Jason Hanania ran as NPP in 2016. He calls himself the Technodemocratic Candidate. I could not find anything about Elvin Alexander Valenzuela. Lee Olson is the proponent for three circulating initiatives and is chairman of the Committee to End Slavery.
I suspect part of the problem is that in Goofyfornia, statewide candidates file with county election officials.
California should adopt an adaptive system of filing fees. If more than 10 candidates file, the fee for the next election will increase by N/10, where N is the number of candidates. If 32 candidates file, then the next election the filing fee would be 3.2 times as great (e.g. for the next senate election, the fee would be 3.2 times $3480 or $11,136. The number of in lieu of signatures would remain the same.
Similarly, if the number of candidates is less than ten, then the filing fee would be reduced. For races with multiple districts, the average number of candidates would be used. If applied retrospectively to US Representative, then the fee in 2016 would be $116,
Alternatively, eliminate the filing fee altogether, and qualify the (up to 10) candidates who file the most signatures. Any other candidates would become write-in candidates.
If ballot access is *too easy*, then there is the Cal Goofy mess.
Perhaps have nominating petitions ONLY — to get *serious* candidates.
The Top Two Primary must be repealed. If not now, when ever voters can be persuaded to sign petitions to that aim. is circulating petitions now with a deadline of April 23, 2018. Download, print, sign, share and send to the coordinator ASAP.
How about the number of candidates prior to both Prop 198 [Blanket Primary} and Prop 14 [Top Two] when only party members voted for candidates in the Primary and one candidate from each Party appeared on the November Ballot?
RE: ballot access is too easy
Using that logic, we should only allow the top 10 automobile manufacturers to product cars and trucks. There should only be 10 PC manufacturers, only 10 models/makers of cell phones, only 10 flavors of soft drinks.
Too many choices!!! We must have big government limit our choices so we’re not too confused.
We’re not equipped to analyze 10 choices. Please big brother, don’t make us think too hard.
Yours in heavy heavy sarcasm…………..Mark Hinkle, Retired LP Chair
Desmond Silveira for Governor here. As Jim Riley stated above, I’m the American Solidarity Party candidate. We just haven’t been recognized by the state yet.
Here is a ranked choice voting demo poll for the California Primary election. Check it out and vote:
I gave up ranking all those candidates. If you could slide the names up and down using mouse drags, I met have kept at it.