According to this New York Times story, the Illinois Republican Party will attempt to recruit someone to run as an independent candidate this year in the U.S. House, 3rd district, race. The reason is that Neo-Nazi Arthur Jones on March 20 won the Republican primary for that seat. No one ran against him in that primary.
Art Jones is an idiot, he should be ignored.
Nov 2016 —
Donkey — a mere 225,320
NO Elephant in 2016 in Dist 3.
Other Donkey winners nearby with R opposition — 200,000 – 250,000
How about they throw their support behind a Libertarian candidate, you can’t get much further away from Nazi than Libertarian
Does the LP have a candidate for this district? What would it take to get an LP candidate on the ballot for the general election?
Richard, I believe there is precedent for a party to sue to have a candidate removed from their ballot when the candidate expresses views that contract the party’s beliefs. Could this happen here?
some statewide LPI folks
There’s an Independent running according to Ballot Access News, Mat Tomkowiak, who is running as a progressive. He sounds Green Party. He’s a college professor and “community activist”. Also, why didn’t the Republicans find someone for the primary?
Elephants giving up in 65 plus percent Donkey communist gerrymander ghetto areas or what
— now LOTS of older ghetto larger cities
— New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, etc. ???
PR and AppV
Govt website — somewhat bad — like most of them.
Election – candidates/issues – results —
much too difficult for bureaucrats
Clay, that happens in certain states that have statutes that give parties that power. It happens in Alabama a lot, and somewhat in Tennessee and Missouri and New York and Hawaii. But it can’t happen in most states.
Libertarians in this district must reach out to the angry republicans here. I see it as a great chance for libertarians to break out of its third party shell here if they can play it right. I think the best way to break away from the third party label is contesting safe seats and start becoming a second party at the local level. Anybody else agree here?
Donkeys 80+ Pct (now in MANY ghetto districts) —
20- pct invisable Elephants OR
20- pct invisable Libts ???
BIG Diff ???
PR and AppV