Michigan Governor Files Final Brief in Case Over Special Election to Fill Congressional Vacancy

The Michigan U.S. House seat, 13th district, has been vacant since December 2017, when Congressman John Conyers resigned. A federal lawsuit is underway over whether the Constitution requires a special election before November 6, 2018. The final round of briefs has just been filed. Here is the eight-page brief from the state government. It says the voters of the 13th district would be harmed if a special election were held earlier than November.


Michigan Governor Files Final Brief in Case Over Special Election to Fill Congressional Vacancy — 6 Comments

  1. More junk from Snyder stooges —

    NO Donkey Rep is quite OK for Elephant Snyder — term limited and never to be seen again

    — unless he/it is prosecuted for manslaughter / poisoning in the Flint, Mich water deaths / lead poisons.

  2. Incumbent and alternate lists now.
    Make it like it was a 2-member district, with candidates competeing against candidates from the same party and other parties.
    Single transferable vote: 33.34% of the vote to get either seat.
    Make alternates become shadows representatives.

  3. The USA Const is a LATE DARK AGE politics item —

    with ALL sorts of FATAL defects — being used by the CORRUPT EVIL HACKS — like Snyder.

    Candidate/incumbent rank order replacement lists.
    NO more vacancy machinations by the HACKS.

  4. The federal government should require a special election be held within 30 days of the vacancy, with no partisan nominations, and a runoff 30 days later if necessary. The federal government would pay $X per vote cast ($3, $5?). This would be offset by the filing fees, as well as the federal pension of the former representative.

  5. But jim, the representative/alternate list idea would save money and voters could rank candidates from the same party and from different parties, thus killing the so called spoiler effect that is constantly imposed on third party and independent candidates.

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