The State Journal-Register, the daily newspaper for Springfield, Illinois, is running a three-part series on Illinois ballot access laws as they affect each of three particular parties. Here is the March 27 article, about the Green Party.
Here is the March 26 article, about the Constitution Party.
An article on March 28 will discuss the Libertarian Party.
ANY body in IL heard about PR and AppV
— to get REAL election reform in IL and ALL other States ???
The United Coalition has been using pure proportional representation (PPR) for twenty-three consecutive years, an advanced, unifying voting system that’s sweeping the world, and PPR works fine.
It is interesting that Rich Whitney suggests that Scott Lee Cohen ran for governor in 2010 at the behest of the Democratic Party establishment (aka Mike Madigan).
Scott Lee Cohen won an upset for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor. At that time, the gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial were separate, but the two ran as a team in the general election. Cohen was a pawnbroker, who had previously been charged with steroid abuse, and holding a knife to the throat of his girlfriend, who happened to be a prostitute. There were also claims of failure to pay child support. Cohen’s upset was most upsetting to Democratic gubernatorial Pat Quinn, who styled himself as a reformer (Quinn had ascended to be governor after Rod Blagojevich’s removal from office, and was running for election in his own right).
A few days after the primary (in February 2014) Cohen withdrew as Lieutenant Governor nominee after talking to Mike Madigan. The State Executive Committee chaired by Mike Madigan then chose the replacement lieutenant gubernatorial candidate. In April, Cohen announced that he was running for governor as an independent. He did so after talking to Mike Madigan. Mike Madigan said at the time that he was supporting the Democratic Party ticket.