Montana Tells U.S. Supreme Court that it Won’t File a Response in Case Over Whether Judicial Candidates May Reveal that a Party Endorsed Them

Montana makes illegal for anyone running for a judicial post to reveal that any particular political party has endorsed that candidate. Last year the Ninth Circuit upheld this law. The plaintiff has asked for U.S. Supreme Court review. On March 29, Montana officials told the U.S. Supreme Court that they do not intend to file a brief in the case, which is French v Jones, 17-1255.

Of course, if the Court asks Montana to file a response, the state will do so.


Montana Tells U.S. Supreme Court that it Won’t File a Response in Case Over Whether Judicial Candidates May Reveal that a Party Endorsed Them — 1 Comment

  1. If a political party declares an endorsement, then is it sent to a MT concentration camp

    — or merely sent to local bears and mountain lions for disposal ???

    IMPRISON and BANKRUPT ALL tyrant HACKS 24/7 for blatant violations of constitutional RIGHTS

    — even in the rural boondocks in MT.

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