Rolling Stone Article “Is The Two Party System Doomed?”

Matt Taibbi has this article in Rolling Stone, “Is the two-party system doomed?” The article is really about income inequality, but the author presumes that when voters focus on that issue, the party system will radically change. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Rolling Stone Article “Is The Two Party System Doomed?” — 16 Comments

  1. How radical are the PR regimes in Germany, Israel, New Zealand, etc. ???

    See Federalist No. 10 —

    about the more/less property classes.

    ZERO new in 6,000 plus years ??? Duh.

    PR and AppV

  2. Germany and Israel do not use pure proportional representation. Germany has a 5% threshold and Israel a 3.5% threshold.

    Pure proportional representation (PPR), the threshold is always exactly proportional for a elected names but Germany and Israel systems make the thresholds different for candidates in the same election.

    The United Coalition has been using PPR correctly for twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works fine.

  3. The two party system may not be doomed, but after the UV story “Rolling Stone” sure is.

  4. Many/most current PR regimes in real governments are about 95 percent accurate.

    Many/most of them have FATAL* parliamentary regimes

    — same top HACKS having both legislative and executive powers = 2/3 tyrants.

    ZERO learned in 1914-1945 (WW I — Inter-war time — WW II) about such FATAL defect.

    PR and AppV

  5. The 3.5% threshold in Israel will elect about 35 seats of the 120-seat Israeli Parliament so at what percent of their national vote elect the remaining 85 seats after the first 35 are elected?

    Israel does not use pure proportional representation (PPR) in their national election.

  6. The threshold would be .83 of 1% (plus one vote) for each of the 120 seats, a guaranteed voter satisfaction level of 99.2% (plus 120 votes) were Israeli national elections using pure proportional representation (PPR).

  7. How many old parties got wiped out by the *new* Republican/Elephant party in 1854-1860 ???

    How many old parties got wiped out by the *new* Democratic/Donkey party in 1928-1932 ???

    How many $$$ TRILLIONS of debt owed by the various govts in the USA ???

    How many $$$ TRILLIONS of debt owed by Private persons/biz in the USA to Foreign folks (trade deficits, etc) ???

  8. Thanks Demo Rep, great to seeing your comments, and to see the interest in pure proportional representation (PPR), the unity phenomena sweeping the earth.

    Establishment political parties do not care about correct vote counting that’s accurate to every vote, instead political parties are set up under pluralist psychology which accepts censorship, bullying and egomaniac self-conceipts, in single-winner power grabs which push fairness and civil dialogue aside.

    The mathematics of PPR nurtures long range collaboration and stability, despite the pluralist strategy to snuff out freedoms and liberties with false hope and grandeur rhetoric, and so really PPR is the future in politics.

    On Earth Day we are electing one team anew in California to a four year term:

  9. Folks with cable/internet TV should look (again) at the Apocalypse: Hitler series —

    part 2 1929-1933 — Great Depression I in Germany –

    Stalin commies vs Hitler nazis — killing each other in the streets

    — center parties being wiped out —

    — part of the moron inter-war stuff in 1918-1939.

    Most of the WW II adults now passed on BUT the SUPER DANGER continues —

    all sorts of ANTI-Democracy monsters continue in power

    — esp. the gerrymander monarchs/oligarchs in the USA and State regimes —

    with power mad executive officers — USA Prezs, State Guvs, etc.
    PR and AppV

  10. JO

    Sorry — the commie Donkeys invented the *affirmative action* racist JUNK to justify racist quotas in government schemes – education biz, jobs, whatever.

  11. @James Ogle: “The 3.5% threshold in Israel will elect about 35 seats of the 120-seat Israeli Parliament so at what percent of their national vote elect the remaining 85 seats after the first 35 are elected?”

    I don’t even understand what that sentence means. All of the members of the Israeli Parliament are elected from the party lists that receive at least 3.5% of the vote. There were 10 such party lists at the Israeli election in 2015.

    What that has to do with electing “35” seats, I have no idea.

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