Oklahoma Legislature Makes it Legal for a Voter to Photograph One’s Own Voted Ballot

On April 18, the Oklahoma legislature passed HB 3053. It makes it legal for a voter to photograph that voter’s completed ballot. The vote in the House was 83-5, and in the State Senate, 36-6. It now goes to Governor Mary Fallin.


Oklahoma Legislature Makes it Legal for a Voter to Photograph One’s Own Voted Ballot — 9 Comments

  1. JR — depends on which hack is doing the bribing.

    The media will detect/report which hack agents are working for which hack candidates.

    See the Donkey case in BAN vs the alleged Trump/Russia folks.

    How much sting stuff during Prohibition in 1919-1933 ??? — mere pictures of illegal booze being bought and consumed by folks.

    How many bribed voters will have faked ballot photos via Photoshop ??? — Spy v Spy stuff in Mad magazine — get bribes from all sides !!!! ???

  2. This is an terrible idea. What could have been the impetus for this bill? I actually totally agree with demo rep. Hope the governor vetos.

  3. Also – more —

    What if Voter X uses the photo of a Voter Z ballot ???

    Most/all States make *marked* ballots illegal —

    such as a ballot marked with DR or JR or RW, etc.

  4. @DR, The Demo Rep National Committee could sue Voter X and the Lilliputian Federation for vote fraud.

  5. On the other rotted hand —

    having total bribes *may* bankrupt the TAX LOOTER gangs

    — too many TAX SLAVE bribe takers — not enough bribe cash for the TAX SLAVES

    (ie TAX SLAVES getting *some* of their extorted tax money back) ???

    The whole mess is a rotted throwback before *secret* ballots happened in the 1800s.

    Sorry – 1st Amdt does NOT apply to national security secrets – war plans, war orders, etc.

  6. People are always finding their special exceptions to the First Amendment to justify censorship.
    Ballots are publications and as entitled to First Amendment freedom of press protection as any publication print or virtual on the Internet. Keeping one’s ballot confidential and for the eyes only of state election officials should be optional NOT compulsory.
    The principle motivation for ballot selfies is distrust of ballot security and counting after the voter’s self-published ballot is submitted to state officials.
    Voters are not concerned about a revival of the alleged abuses of voters in the late 19th century when the Australian ballot was hastily adopted with custom modifications instituting ballot censorship to advantage the two dominant political parties.
    Once or twice in century or so, the Oklahoma Legislature gets something pertaining to elections right.

  7. “How much per bribed vote (with photo evidence) in OK land ???”

    It’s much more cost-effective to bribe voters with taxpayer money after the election than with the politician’s own money at the election.

    There’s very little of the inefficient bribery going on, relatively speaking.

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