Missouri Republican Party Asks Secretary of State to Remove Four Candidates from Primary Ballot for Political Reasons

The Missouri Republican Party is asking the Secretary of State to omit four candidates from Republican primary ballots. The primary is August 7. Two of the candidates are running for U.S. House, and two for the legislature. The party does not feel that the candidates support the Republican platform. See this story. The Republican Parties of Alabama and Tennessee have made similar requests this year. Thanks to Ken Bush for the link.


Missouri Republican Party Asks Secretary of State to Remove Four Candidates from Primary Ballot for Political Reasons — 4 Comments

  1. The United Coalition has been working with Republican, Democratic, Green, Constitution, One, Humanitarian and all Party members and independents who are interested in the unifying voting system of pure proportional representation (PPR).

    Our team truly allows equal time, equal treatment and equal free speech liberties like no pluralistic entity will ever offer, equalities which are assured under the calibrations of algebra as we prohibit plurality math of addition which assures the self-destruction and dysfunction of every entity using pluralist math.

    Instead of crying about what policies pluralist-driven political and business entities follow we are able to look in the mirror and accomplish perfect equal treatment and equal as our own team practices the arts of parliamentary procedures under PPR.

    The United Coalition has been using PPR for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works fine.


  2. How STONE AGE ANTI-Democracy are some of the State regimes

    — having party HACKS controlling ballot access ???

    PUBLIC offices — PUBLIC nominations by ALL or SOME PUBLIC Electors-Voters

    Thus — Time to reform the Union Army and liberate such States again ???

    NO HACK primaries, caucuses, conventions.

    Abolish the USA gerrymander Senate — divide lots more States.

    See how many communist Donkey and fascist Elephant regimes can survive.

    PR and AppV

  3. So the state government is a proxy for political parties who effectively claim to own the monopoly ballot. Or this an instance of “regulatory capture”? Either way political parties claim the right to censor the ballot and ban from the voters any candidate nominally in their party that displeases the party.

    Wouldn’t it be consistent with the First Amendment and the fundamental right of voters for the party to campaign against a candidate instead striking them from the ballot? Why place the names of candidates on the ballot at all? The voters can write-in whom they please.

    There are constitutional issues in this action by the Republicans and the Missouri Secretary of State.

  4. How many write-in votes in 1860-1867 — regarding 14 Amdt, Sec. 2 (1868) — *denied*, *abridged* ???

    — BEFORE typewriters.

    A mere 150 years ago.

    How many New Age folks have ANY printing / handwriting *skills* ???

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