U.S. Supreme Court Asks Federal Government to Respond in Voting Rights Case Concerning Overseas Territories

On May 29, the U.S. Supreme Court asked for a response from the federal government in Segovia v U.S., 17-1463, the case over voting rights for citizens who move from Illinois to Guam, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. This is a very significant development, and it suggests there is a fair chance the Court will accept the case.

The U.S. Supreme Court had also set a new conference date, June 28.


U.S. Supreme Court Asks Federal Government to Respond in Voting Rights Case Concerning Overseas Territories — 1 Comment

  1. USA Citizen – Reside in State = State citizen = possible State Elector/Voter — YES or NO ???

    14 AMDT, Sec 1.

    SCOTUS mystification more ???

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