Reform Party of New York Internal Battle Over Officers Ends

The Reform Party of New York has been ballot-qualified since November 2014. In 2016 a dispute began over the true party officers. On May 31, though, the faction that had lost in the lower court withdrew its appeal. As a result, Curtis Sliwa is the undisputed state chair.

The party was put on the ballot in 2014 by Republican activists who wanted yet another line for the Republican gubernatorial nominee, Rob Astorino. Originally the party’s name was “Stop Common Core.” Astorino polled over 50,000 votes on that line, so it became a qualified party and changed its name to the Reform Party.

In other New York Reform Party news, the party was unable to have former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara listed on its primary ballot for Attorney General. But the primary for that office will go ahead, with three candidates listed.


Reform Party of New York Internal Battle Over Officers Ends — 4 Comments

  1. The party bosses continue to display self-destructive behavior under plurality elections and plurality election psychology.

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  2. Actually, Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels, is Chair of New York’s Reform Party. His ally Frank Morano is party Secretary.

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