Michigan State Court Puts Initiative on Ballot Concerning Independent Commission on Redistricting

On June 7, the Michigan State Court of Appeals ruled that an initiative to set up an independent redistricting commisison must be put on the November ballot. Citizens Protecting Michigan’s Constitution v Secretary of State, 343517. The state government had refused to certify the initiative, even though it had enough valid signatures, because the state government believed the initiative is a revision of the State Constitution instead of just an amendment. But the Court rejected that theory. This has been a long legal struggle; the initiative petition had been submitted last year.

If the measure passes, the redistricting commission will consist of 4 Democrats, 4 Republicans, and 5 individuals who are not affiliated with either of those two parties. Michigan doesn’t have registration by party, so “affiliation” is somewhat hazy and will depend on how applicants define themselves, and what can be learned about their political behavior. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Michigan State Court Puts Initiative on Ballot Concerning Independent Commission on Redistricting — 4 Comments

  1. The scheme is variant copy of the CA gerrymander commission.

    An appeal to the Mich SCT is highly likely.

    Elephant fascist OLIGARCHS do not want Donkey communist OLIGARCHS taking over the Mich legislature.

    IE Mich is 1 of the top 5 gerrymander States in which Civil WAR II can very easily start.

    Multi-multi thousands of white Elephants in suburbs and rural areas have ZERO to do with black Donkeys in black ghetto cities – Detroit, Flint, Pontiac, etc.

    See 2016 USA Prez math in Mich.

    PR and AppV
    Divide larger States ASAP.

  2. So-called “independent commissions” are like regulatory agencies. They end up getting captured by the people that they are supposed to regulate. Better to write a constitutional amendment that distributes representatives among counties by mathematical formula. This may result in some larger counties becoming multi-member districts, who ought to elect their reps by RCV or cumulative voting.

  3. WZ —

    BASIC P.R. —

    Party Members = Total Members x Party Votes / Total Votes =

    Party Members = Party Votes x Total Members / Total Votes

    Difficult ONLY for math MORONS — as in SCOTUS ???

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