North Carolina Legislature Passes Bill Moving Primaries for All Office in Presidential Years from May to March

On June 12, the North Carolina legislature passed SB 655. It moves the primary in presidential years, for all office, from May to March. Because the petition deadline for independent candidates is automatically related to the primary date, this means the independent petition deadline will be in February of presidential election years. This is unconstitutional under Anderson v Celebrezze, and also under a 1980 U.S. District Court decision from North Carolina, Greaves v State Board of Elections. That decision said April is too early, so obviously February is too early. Thanks to Kevin Hayes for this news.


North Carolina Legislature Passes Bill Moving Primaries for All Office in Presidential Years from May to March — 6 Comments

  1. Yet another chance to end the mess —

    See Calif files brief story — 2 stories earlier

  2. Changing a primary date is a BIG deal —

    see for example the Ohio 2018 election dates calendar — all sorts of interlocking dates / deadlines.

    Thus — the courts allowing UN-constitutional stuff to get past the coming or even the 2nd coming general election — rather than requiring entire new *constitutional* elections.

    Result — the gerrymander HACKS nonstop rigging of elections — as in the NC regime.

  3. What is up with this national obsession with moving primary dates (and thus campaign filing deadlines) further and further away from the general election? Why make the campaign season longer than what is reasonably necessary?

  4. EZK

    Simple —

    State Incumbent hacks want NO opposition in early primaries

    — and to have a major disconnect with USA Prez and Congress hack candidates

    — having *wave* general elections.

    IE State hacks trying NOT to go down in flames in *wave* gerrymander elections —

    due to Prez and USA Senate hacks.

  5. A lot of states don’t like the fact that when their Presidential primary is held, the race has either been decided, or narrowed down to 2 or 3 candidates. So, each state is actually acting logically by trying to schedule their primaries early enough to have a decisive impact. But, if all or most states actually do that, it becomes counter productive because having so many primaries held so early will pre-eliminate many potential candidates who cannot cover the costs of so many contests so early.

  6. The top robot party hack gang bosses in both larger gangs learned ZERO from the 2016 Prez primaries.

    NO primaries.

    PR and AppV

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