For its first year ever on the North Carolina ballot, the Green Party is running one candidate for U.S. House, one candidate for the state house, and two for county office. There are no executive statewide offices up in North Carolina this year, and there is no U.S. Senate race either. The U.S. House candidate is running in the 13th district; the state legislative candidate is running for 66th district. The two county offices are in Forsyth County and Mecklenburg County.
The California Green Party is finally paying attention to pure proportional representation (PPR).
Join the United Coalition’s twenty-three year effort for equal time and equal treatment under PPR and be part of an international coalition of all parties and independents.
Elect your own name (or someone else’s name to represent you) for free, onto the International Parliament’s Agriculture Ministry by following the directions correctly:
The Mecklenburg County office is nonpartisan. The Greens merely endorsed a candidate for Soil & Water Commissioner.