Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Chosen for U.S. Supreme Court, has Sparse but Bad Record on Voting Rights

Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s choice for the U.S. Supreme Court, has had few voting rights cases. In Libertarian Party v District of Columbia Board of Elections, he voted to uphold the action of D.C. election officials who refused to count write-in votes for Bob Barr, 2008 Libertarian nominee, even though Barr was a declared write-in candidate. The decision, signed by Kavanaugh, said it was good enough that D.C. counted the total number of all write-ins cast for President, without specifying how many were received by any particular candidate. Barr was the only declared write-in presidential candidate in D.C. that year.

Judge Kavanaugh has also generally upheld campaign finance restrictions. Here is a summary of his involvement in those cases, by the Institute for Free Speech.


Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Chosen for U.S. Supreme Court, has Sparse but Bad Record on Voting Rights — 7 Comments

  1. When he was in Congress, Rep. Bob Barr introduced a resolution which passed to prohibit the Washington, DC government from counting votes cast for a Medical Marijuana Initiative. Ironic that he should face the prospect of his own votes in DC not being counted.

  2. Well, that’s Bob Barr for you! Greatest Libertarian presidential nominee of 2008!

  3. While it is ironic that Barr would get screwed like that the fact remains that Kavanaugh’s ruling is absurd. Count the total number of votes cast but not who they were cast for? Really?

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