On July 16, former Congressman Ron Paul endorsed Murray Sabrin for U.S. Senate in New Jersey this year. Sabrin is the Libertarian Party nominee. See this story.
On July 16, former Congressman Ron Paul endorsed Murray Sabrin for U.S. Senate in New Jersey this year. Sabrin is the Libertarian Party nominee. See this story.
MP Ron Paul [Republican] and his family are good friends with former Brazario County Texas chair Ralph Hoffman [Republican] and the Paul name is a good one.
Unfortunately, they are of the wrong gender, because us men are showing priority support for the female candidates, and Madelyn Hoffman [Green] for US Senate of New Jersey is the only female.
The three males can likely split the pro-male vote and there is only one female the team players are going to promote Hoffman.
Women can help us pick good males because the United Coalition is advocating teamwork with our opposite gender, not more egomaniac males advocating more males.
Join the team that supports our opposite gender, as we bring the Unity Platform up to date in 2018, work together for 50/50 partnership with our opposite gender.
No to the SF one party system, no to the promotion of males over females and yes to our opposite gender #1.
I find your recent comments incredibly bigoted and sexist. Voting for a candidate because they are female is just as sexist and wrong as voting for candidate because they are male, or white, or straight, or gay. This is just bigotry. Judge people based on the quality of their character, not what’s in their pants.