Jim Condit, Jr., Whose Political Views are Not Consistent with the Green Party, Again Captures Ohio Green Party Nomination for Congress

Ohio election law forces the Green Party to nominate by primary. Jim Condit, Jr., has again won an Ohio Green Party nomination for U.S. House, even though his views are not in alignment with the views of the Green Party. He is the nominee this year for U.S. House, 2nd district. He was also the Green Party nominee in the Ohio 8th district in a special election in June 2016.

He was the Constitution Party nominee in the Ohio 8th district in 2010 and 2014, but the Constitution Party hasn’t been on the Ohio ballot as a party since 2014, so now he runs in the Green Party primary. See this story.


Jim Condit, Jr., Whose Political Views are Not Consistent with the Green Party, Again Captures Ohio Green Party Nomination for Congress — 6 Comments

  1. The real solution is to switch to Top 2. It is unlikely that someone would run as a Green if it was just as easy to get on the ballot as an Independent, etc.

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