North Carolina Governor Vetoes Bill that Deprives One Judicial Candidate of a Party Label

On July 27, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, a Democrat, vetoed SB 3. This is the bill that says that even though judicial candidates have their party label on the ballot in November (even though there are no primaries and no party nominees), no one can have a label if he or she switched parties in the three months before the filing deadline.
Here is the veto message. It is expected that the legislature will override his veto. The Republican majority in the legislature passed this bill because without it, there will be two candidates labeled “Republican” on the November 2018 ballot for one State Supreme Court race, and only one with the label “Democrat”.


North Carolina Governor Vetoes Bill that Deprives One Judicial Candidate of a Party Label — 5 Comments

  1. The party bosses of all parties and independents are forever doomed to self-distruction and dysfunction because of the split vote problem.

    The United Coalition uses the single transferable vote (STV) and mandates two or more winners in every election or the election is deemed undemocratic, no exceptions.

    The United Coalition has been using pure proportional representation (PPR), undet STV, for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR solves the split vote problem.

    But the party bosses only brought division, conflict and ill will, the party bosses don’t want you to know about the United Coalition, how they and Google oppose the United Coalition and how the party bosses and Google bring civil war and not unity.

  2. The political parties who protect the free speech liberty for every candidate to proclaim a word/party name/independent without penalty are sustaining the United Coalition.

    Every effort to fairly engage those using plurality elections are a waste of time.

    Now there is a better way and the One Party is the first international political party that is helping to bring the peaceful decision-making alternation through voting.

  3. One Party
    A project of All Party System
    Regular Executives

    Executive Nadine Squires [One]
    Executive Mark Herd [Libertarian]
    Executive Ralph Beach [One]
    Executive James Ogle [One]
    Executive Cathy Bilsky [World Enlightenment]

  4. By coincidence, two of the One Party Execs were Libertarian Party (LP) candidates for POTUS in 2012 (Beach and Ogle) and one is reported to be a LP POTUS candidate in 2020 (Herd).

  5. James Ogle – all of which of your comments here have absolutely nothing to do with Richard’s posting. You have your own website and your own Facebook page on which to promote your one-party “system.” Why is it that all this mess which you enter as comments on BAN does not appear on your Facebook page?

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